Total Drama World Tour is the third season of the Total Drama franchise. In this series, fifteen returning contestants and three new contestants are taken on a trip around the world, and compete in cultural-themed challenges of countries they visit. An added twist in this season is that they are required to break spontaneously into song, or else be immediately eliminated.
After the end of the Beast Wars, the Maximals awaken on their home planet of Cybertron and are chase...
Comedian Lenny Henry sets out on a journey to discover what makes us laugh and what role humour play...
Comedians Elis James and Miles Jupp take a series of unconventional trips around Wales.
Ross Noble embarks on a travelogue of Britain, basing all destinations and narrative on the suggesti...
Going Straight is a BBC sitcom which was a direct spin-off from Porridge, starring Ronnie Barker as ...
The Adventures of Sinbad is a Canadian television series which aired from 1996 to 1998. It follows o...
Since the graduation of the senior members of the club, Takezou ends up being the sole member of the...
Ever wanted to quit your job and go travelling round the world? Well James and Karl did and filmed i...
Kutyil Ltd. is a continuation of the series Neighbours. But heroes are no longer Laszlo and Ildikó, ...
Twelve celebrities are abandoned in the Australian jungle. In order to earn food, they must perform ...
2 Days & 1 Night is a South Korean reality-variety show with the motto "real wild road variety." Its...
The Full Monty gang is back after 25 years, swapping their stage costumes for dognapping, racing pig...
Series following comedian John Bishop as he embarks on an Australian adventure, cycling from Sydney ...
Two men go backpacking to Cuba, the country full of their unique charms. For two weeks, they enjoy C...