MTV's The 70s House is an American reality television show created by Aaron Matthew Lee. The show premiered on MTV on July 5 and ended September 6, 2005. The show featured twelve contestants who thought they were participating in a The Real World-type reality show, but instead were thrust into a 24/7 simulation of the 1970s. They were required to part with all modern technology including cell phones, laptops, and MP3 players, as well as all modern clothing and lingo, only to adopt their cultural equivalents of the 1970s. It was billed as a competition to see who can "be the most 70s." The twelve contestants were: Andrew Severyn, Ashley McCarthy, Corey Hartwyk, Geo Herrera, Hailley Howard, Jami Stallings, Joey Mendicino, Lynda Khristine, Lee Wireman, Peter, Ruben, and Sarah Bray.
Texas Ranch House is an PBS American reality television series that premiered in May 2006. Produced ...
Ten celebrities are about to leave their 21st century lives and everything they know behind to becom...
Edwardian Farm is an historical documentary TV series in twelve parts, first shown on BBC Two from N...
A family of six and their home are stripped of all their modern technology to live a life of decades...
An Edwardian Country House in Scotland is to be brought back to life. One family will take on the ma...
The 1900 House is a historical reality television programme made by Wall to Wall/Channel 4 in 1999. ...
Victorian Farm Christmas looks into the lives of 19th century farmers and shows you how to make trad...
Follows historians and archaeologists as they recreate farm life from the age of the Stuarts. They w...
21 people from the 21st century are being brought together in an Edwardian Country House. 6 of them ...
Two 21st Century families from Britain and Ireland are sent to see how they would cope had they been...
That'll Teach 'Em is a British reality television documentary series produced by Twenty Twenty Telev...
Outback House was an Australian historical reality TV series that originally aired on ABC TV in 2005...
Coal House is a Welsh television series made by Indus Films for BBC Wales, and broadcast on BBC One ...
The Ship: Retracing Cook's Endeavour Voyage is a documentary film about a 21st-century voluntary cre...
Quest for the Bay was a Canadian documentary television series which aired on History Television and...
Teams of amateur robot fighting enthusiasts battle it out over a series of rounds in a huge purpose-...
Broadway Open House, is network television's first late-night comedy-variety series. It was telecast...