In the bustling heart of Shibuya, four young women—an artist, a retired idol, a V-tuber, and a compo...
When an up-and-coming young country singer accepts a job as a nanny with a musical family, she finds...
Ma-Ha is a member of girl group Teaparty. The other members are Ri-A and Hyun-Ji. Since their debut,...
Da Eun works part-time and Kim Byul is an idol in her 5th years since debut. These two girls who loo...
One night on a cruise ship between Helsinki and Stockholm, six stories of happiness and misfortune.
A chronicle of legendary Dutch singer Ramses Shaffy’s rise to fame, from his early days as a stage a...
Lee Gyu Won is the daughter of one of the top three maestros of pansori and is also a gayageum proté...
The history of the Jackson family and the early and successful years of the Motown group The Jackson...
Six dedicated students at Kirin Art High School work to achieve their dreams of becoming stars in th...
A comedy about the unique relationship between a young songwriter, Ally Dawson, and Austin Moon, the...
The Moorim School isn't focused solely on high academic scores. The school teaches its students virt...
A Korean pop star and a Japanese housewife meet and start developing feelings for each other. How wi...
Qin Ze is a young man who has just entered university . From an early age he excels in singing but f...
Biographical miniseries chronicling the rise of American music icon Elvis Presley from his high scho...
The series Király explores the life and tragic death of Jimmy Zámbó, one of the defining figures of ...
How could twin sisters be such polar opposites? Kwon Shi Ah is the beautiful sister, gorgeous in eve...
Bestselling novelist Mike Noonan, unable to cope after his wife's sudden death, returns to the coupl...
This fantasy drama follows an indie band singer who repeatedly undergoes unwanted time slips and the...