Set in Kyoto, the story revolves around a single, 40-year-old part-time university lecturer named Ur...
Baywatch Nights is an American police and science fiction drama series that aired in syndication fro...
Three years ago, a disappearance case, known as the "Joker Case," was suddenly closed without being ...
Dr. Bunnakit is a medical examiner based at a provincial hospital. One day, after carrying out an au...
In this world, there exist demon swords. Those who have the sword will have their will taken over, a...
A lawyer, caught up in a murder case, becomes a notorious and genius con artist overnight, in order ...
The Philadelphia homicide squad's lone female detective finds her calling when she is assigned cases...
There are consequences when BFFs - short for best friends forever - turn into frenemies. Episodes sh...
Shinichiro Hanasaki, a former detective with the police department, is currently engaged in running ...
Mo Yan is a quick-thinking, sharp-witted young aspiring thief, who wants to become the top robber in...
A drama about three families who live in an upscale neighborhood. On the surface, it appears they ha...
Anyamanee is a beautiful girl brought up in a family that only honours men, which makes her proud of...
Former police officer Darby Spencer and her mystery novelist mother Victoria Spencer have opposite p...
Death by Fame goes behind the scenes to uncover the sinister side of fame and reveal the shocking tr...
Erng was Mew's first love. After she disappeared one day suddenly, he was not able to move on. Ten y...
The main character begins a dangerous journey of human against nature to find an antidote to save hi...
In 1999, Dan's in grade eleven when he transfers to Saint Lawrence’s, an all-boys catholic school. H...
In this fantasy investigation series, investigators from two eras must hunt for the truth in old uns...
Lawyer Pat's first encounter with Wasu, an enthusiastic politician of a newer generation, doesn't go...
A serial killer is victimizing the city of Linghai so criminal police investigator Ji Fan , Captain ...