Set in the 18th century, the show follows the Shogun Yoshimune, who likes to disguise himself as a low-ranking samurai and go into his capital of Edo to see the life of the common man, as well as to seek out and punish evildoers who would hurt his citizens. He is aided by Magistrate Oo'oka and a vivacious fireman, Tatsugoro, as well as a rotating cast of other recurring characters. Along with Zenigata Heiji and Mito Kōmon, it ranks among the longest-running series in the jidaigeki genre. Like so many other jidaigeki, it falls in the category of kanzen-chōaku, loosely, "rewarding good and punishing evil."
A drama about three different women living in the inner palace of Edo castle during the Tokugawa era...
Based on the novel by Jirō Asada, the TV movie depicts the lives of the Shinsengumi warriors during ...
The show revolves around a group of five ronin (masterless samurai) who make a living by transportin...
Norizuki Gennojo, a commander of the Shogunate’s troops, sets out on a journey to train in swordplay...
During the war-torn feudal wars in Japan, the Awa clan faced certain extinction from a rival clan ba...
In an era where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work ho...
The straightforward samurai of the hatamoto class, Saotome Mondonosuke, who has a crescent-shaped sc...
Based on the novel of the same name by Jiro Ikushima, this drama series aired on NET TV (now TV Asah...
The 8th Tokugawa shogun, Yoshimune, sets up a suggestion box to hear the complaints of the common pe...
Fumi becomes Genzui Kusaka’s wife. During the turbulent times of the closing days for the Tokugawa s...
Osaka Castle was erected as a result of Hideyoshi Hashiba's (portrayed by Shindo Eitaro) solicitatio...
Takeda Tetsuya acting in a drama as Sakamoto Ryouma when Ryouma suddenly timeslips into his dressing...
In 1802, 8-year-old Mio lost her parents in a river flood in Osaka and feels all alone after she is ...
Kazutoyo lived during the end of the Sengoku period (1546-1605). He was the first feudal lord of the...
As the war temporarily calms down and Edo rebuilds, Gintoki finds Shinpachi—who is still unaware of ...
Break-dancing but fierce warrior Mugen has to deal with the cold-blooded and conceited Jin, a samura...
The 41st NHK Taiga Drama is Toshiie to Matsu. During the turbulent Warring States Era, one man's lif...
Set in Tenma, Osaka. Matsukichi (Kento Hayashi) is the son of a samurai. His father is killed becaus...
A story about a masked samurai who takes sides with the good and wipes out the evil. In the late Edo...