In a Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club series of original shorts, TV reporter Kiriko Nakazaki suddenly finds herself in the world of Kamen Rider Saber. Kiriko and Touma quickly discover they're trapped in a time loop as the Megid always revive after being defeated. Can Saber and Kiriko escape from the loop...?
Captain Midnight is an American televisions series that aired on CBS from September 9, 1954 to Janua...
The megalomaniacal supervillain M.O.D.O.K. has long pursued his dream of one day conquering the worl...
A web-exclusive series released on Toei Tokusatsu Fan Club. It accompanies the airing of the main se...
Bitten by a neogenetic spider, Peter Parker develops spider-like superpowers. He uses these to fight...
Bullies often target someone frail and weak—someone exactly like Yûgi Muto. He treasures his Millenn...
The story evolves around four different chapters and four different main characters. These stories a...
During an experiment gone bad, radiation turns a scientist into a raging green behemoth whenever he ...
Batfink is an animated television series, consisting of five-minute shorts, that first aired in Sept...
Teenagers Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, and Spike fight for a world that fears...
On a holiday to Mt Tarawera, teenager Jenny finds an odd shard of metal. In this third episode of th...
This series tells the story of a kind and creative boy named Amato, who comes across a prison spaces...
21 years ago, a baby arrived on earth inside of a peach. Today, five warriors based on the legend of...
The long-awaited rebirth of the greatest superhero team of all time: Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman,...
When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatu...
Bitten by an irradiated spider, teenager Peter Parker gains arachnid-like powers that make him both ...
A family of friendly monsters that have misadventures all while never quite understanding why people...
The Makai fight a secret war against the demon forces known as Horrors, evil creatures that manifest...
Ace Bunny, Tech E. Coyote, Danger Duck, and friends are transformed into superheroes when a meteor h...
It's the 30th century and time travel is illegal. To help monitor and police time crimes, the Time P...
Akebono City is a peaceful community overflowing with humanity. Since there was a Power Spot that re...