This drama revolves around four sisters whose father served as a warlord during the Sengoku period. It tells a tragic story of two lovers who are being held apart due to political conflicts between their clans.
Driven by a dream of revenge against those who made her an outcast in Edo-period Japan, a young warr...
The story revolves around a young woman named Mei, who was rescued as a young girl by someone callin...
They're comedians starring in a thrilling drama, but if their jokes don't land in the unscripted sce...
Urara Shiraishi is a model student with excellent grades. Ryu Yamada is a trouble student. One day, ...
This exciting series celebrates Japanese cuisine and inspires with amazing dishes.
The continued (mis)adventures of teenage assassin duo Chisato Sugimoto and Mahiro Fukagawa.
From the Taisho era to the Showa 30s, known as the father of popular literature who left many master...
Ginji (Teruhiko Aoi), together with Yasugoro, a bathhouse owner, Toshiro, a ronin, Kojiro, a samurai...
Ultraman Cosmos is a Japanese tokusatsu TV show being the 17th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by...
The straightforward samurai of the hatamoto class, Saotome Mondonosuke, who has a crescent-shaped sc...
Shy Natsu awakens as part of a group chosen to ensure the survival of humanity. Together, they have ...
NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen (NHK紅白歌合戦, "NHK Red and White Song Battle"), more commonly known simply as Ko...
After the school bus breaks, the Freesia Academy students end up spending the night in a village in ...
Oyuki, the daughter of a master swordsman in the Yaegaki-style, is a skilled practitioner of the sec...
Moonlight Mask (aka Gekko Kamen), is a black and white tokusatsu TV drama series, produced by the ad...
Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for busine...
During the reign of the shogun, Iemitsu, an epidemic causes the population of men to greatly drop, l...
The 41st NHK Taiga Drama is Toshiie to Matsu. During the turbulent Warring States Era, one man's lif...