Fork and Backpack is a documentary series produced by Coyote and J. A. Productions, created in 2007 and broadcast until 2012. It follows Julie Andrieu on her travels to the heart of culinary cultures from around the world1. In 2011, after five seasons, Julie Andrieu announced that she was suspending the presentation of the show for a year to devote herself to another project on France 52.3. In 2016, it was rebroadcast on the Number 234 channel, but no new episodes were shot.
A new type of talk show where the MCs visit a neighborhood and spontaneously call their acquaintance...
Kick it up to notches unknown with Emeril Live. In front of a live audience, Emeril Lagasse--a maste...
Production and animation of more than 400 short programs broadcast daily on TF1: Julie offers recipe...
Kim Jaejoong hosts numerous stars who wants to be friends with him. With the goal of making 100 frie...
The Feed features three unique and distinctly opinionated hosts, sharing their take on today’s most ...
The show that gives fans another bite of Bake Off when one helping just isn't enough. Jo Brand chats...
Giada De Laurentiis lets her hair down as she demonstrates her love for cooking and entertaining Cal...
Miss Korea is For those who miss the taste and memory of Korean food, the cast of Miss Korea visit t...
Spend a fun and food-filled morning in The Kitchen with hosts Sunny Anderson, Katie Lee, Jeff Mauro,...
Windy City LIVE is a local Chicago daytime talk show on ABC7 Chicago (WLS-TV) with Co-Hosts Val Warn...
A daily French-language cooking show in which Ricardo Larrivée presents accessible recipes alone or ...
Ever wonder what it’s like to be given exclusive access to some of the industry’s most craved events...
Mad Cook Show is a smart and witty food show by mad chefs Riku Rantala and Tunna Milonoff, that invi...
For the first time in history, here comes a restaurant where the owner eats more than customers. In ...
Pangina Heals, star of Drag Race Thailand and RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs the World takes us on a food ...