Ganta Nakami is a high school student who suffers from insomnia. He meets Isaki Magari, a girl with the same condition. A relationship forms as they share a secret and catch up on their sleep in their school’s abandoned observatory.
Haru Satonaka is the captain of an ice-hockey team, a star athlete who stakes everything on hockey b...
The Fountain of Life is the source of all life forces in the Bosco World. Princess Apricot, who is s...
Maging Sino Ka Man was a critically acclaimed Filipino primetime drama series that premiered on ABS-...
The Dr. Slump remake, simply titled Dr. Slump, is the second anime adaption which is an alternate re...
After being betrayed by the Hero’s party, Red hopes to start anew by opening an apothecary in a smal...
The story centers on an RPG that people call "kusoge" ("crap-tier game," referring to games with qui...
Yōto Yokodera is a schoolboy who is unable to express his true feelings freely. After hearing about ...
Baba Lamune, a 4th grader, is pulled into another world after he beats a video game he bought from a...
October 1941, as the second World War threatens to destroy the civilized world, an unforeseen compli...
Tong Xiaoman learns that she has late-stage cancer and only has three months left to live. Will thin...
Tan Jing is a single mother whose son has natural heart disease. In order to save up for her son's s...
Chonpansa got pregnant with her son, Luk Prun, after a one night stand with an unknown man who she l...
Xiao Wen and Su Xi took an instant dislike to each other, but soon discovered they’re actually simil...
Lin Kesong has an acute sense of taste. To pursue the guy that she likes, she came to America. There...
Pan, a desolate plastic surgeon, lived a repetitive and boring life every day until a conspiracy hap...
A failed bidding for a project lets locomotive designer Lin Zhenyi experience a sense of failure. He...
Inside the Beijing hutongs where professionals who engage in art conservation and restoration live i...
Follow the story of these beach boys who learned to love the ultimate sport of surfing!