Four episodes, each featuring a "person of interest" — Roger Milliss, Michael Hyde, Gary Foley and F...
After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Mao Tsetung established a system of la...
This 9-episodes documentary series extensively examines the history of Poland in the 20th Century, t...
A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from an...
Recounts the tumultuous history of Cuba, a nation of foreign conquest, freedom fighters and Cold War...
Communism spread to all of the continents of the word, lasting through four generations and over sev...
Explores history through the stories of three major Russian cities: St Petersburg, Volgograd – the f...
Three years in the making, this comprehensive study of the Soviet dictator blends documentary footag...
What it felt like to live through the collapse of communism and democracy. A series of films by Adam...
Louis Malle called his gorgeous and groundbreaking Phantom India the most personal film of his caree...
The Lost World of Communism is a three-part British documentary series which examines the legacy of ...
An immersive 360-degree narrative telling the epic story of the Vietnam War as it has never before b...
Tracing Xi Jinping's defining moments, how he's exercising his power and the impact on China and rel...