Three years ago, a disappearance case, known as the "Joker Case," was suddenly closed without being solved. Ichiro Kunishita, an investigator from the Public Security Bureau of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department who was called for a reunion of the investigation, is ordered to take on a completely different mission. He is assigned to spy on and monitor Shiro Hanabusa, the young head of a designated gang clan. He is said to be a man of many mysteries who has risen to the rank of Wakagashira (young leading subordinate in yakuza group) since he joined the gang three years ago. In the course of his mission to get close to Shiro, Ichirou learns a shocking fact, and decides to make a fake "lover's contract" with him. Their secret investigation into the case gradually leads them to an incident that will shake the nation and their destiny.
After being paralysed while on a case Detective Ichiro Onizuka returns to Shinjuku East to solve uns...
Beginner blader Robin Kazami joins up with influencer Multi Nana-iro and former champion Jaxon Cross...
At the age of eight, Park Joo Hyeong left for Italy after being adopted. Now an adult, he is known a...
A psychopath's ruthless serial murders have left the entire nation gripped with fear and chaos. A ho...
(CA) A team led by criminologist and former detective Dr. Mike Arntfield uses its advanced skills, w...
Wealthy couple Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, a self-made millionaire and his journalist wife, moonligh...
It's the year of destiny and 15 year old Kamui Shirō, a powerful psychic, has returned to Toyko aft...
With episodes focusing on Irish, Italian, black, and Jewish organized crime, this series explores th...
In 1970s Brazil, a Corsican gangster, a Sicilian Capo and a master forger join forces to revolutioni...
Fourland Kingdom is an island nation in the North Atlantic. In this country, there are 52 X-Playing ...
Beautiful, intelligent, and ultra-sophisticated, Charlie's Angels are everything a man could dream o...
Hayata is a member of the Science Patrol, an organization tasked with investigating bizarre anomalie...
Year 198 of the Solar Era in Tokyo, special fire brigades are fighting against a phenomenon called s...
Born in an affluent family, Sakurako is grown beautiful but rather spirited and speaks roughly. As a...
After being released from prison, a mysterious man roams the city, the city where he still felt warm...
In the year 2063, eight high school students and a kid are flown out to Planet Camp, tasked with sur...
Arajin Tomoshibi’s reunion with his old pal Matakara Asamine takes an unexpected turn when they stum...
Gabimaru reigns as the strongest and most ruthless assassin in his village. But now finds himself on...
This equal parts survival epic, psychological horror story and coming-of-age drama tells the saga of...