Canal Road is an Australian television drama series on the Nine Network. The series was produced in-house, under producer Susan Bower, in collaboration with writers Sarah Smith, John Ridley and Dave Warner, and directed by Kevin Carlin. It was filmed at Channel Nine’s GTV Studio 11 and on location in and around Melbourne. The series reportedly cost A$10 million to produce. The 13-part series went to air from 16 April 2008. The series debuted to mixed critical reception and only average ratings, which were further eroded when the series was moved to a later timeslot. Nine removed Canal Road from its schedules after the seventh episode, which drew in only 360,000 viewers; however the eighth episode was still made available online. Nine aired the remaining episodes during August and December 2008. Canal Road was released on DVD on 4 August 2008 in Australia.
Police Rescue was an Australian television series The series dealt with the New South Wales Police ...
Diane, a young woman growing up in Australia in the mid 1960s, walks away from her fiancé to join a ...
Stingers brings to light the life and work of an undercover police unit located in Melbourne. This d...
A mysterious, clever girl named Nanno transfers to different schools, exposing the lies and misdeeds...
The series begins one night at the height of the bachelor party of Eyal Malka on the family yacht, o...
A young autistic woman, Mayuko, who has difficulty understanding and processing human emotions, meet...
Set in the Shanghai Shores at the beginning of the 20th century, where warlords begin to seize their...
A 'wife of a famous broadcaster and freelance entertainer' has been doing well for 12 years. Due to ...
The heiress of a billionaire loses everything: her parents were murdered, both their company and pro...
Pang Yu and Feng Xi were old friends who cared deeply for each other - one is refined and gentlemanl...
The family lives of those working on Australia's Snowy Mountains dam in the 1950s.
A former underworld lawyer goes to work for the Federal Government, determined to bring 100 top crim...
A pet groomer at a salon in Shirogane, Nogami Meiko has a lot of celebrity dog-lovers as customers. ...
Tormented and bedridden by a debilitating disease, a mystery writer relives his detective stories th...
The Psychiatrist is an American television series about a young psychiatrist with unorthodox methods...
Stephanie Harper is rich but insecure 40 year old heiress with two failed marriages behind her. Step...
Because of the brutal killing of his family, making the young engineer take revenge without waiting ...
Government tax lawyer Hye Sung meets Su Ha, who has the ability to read people's thoughts.
Kang Woo is a talented college student who is studying the fine arts. Strange things begin to happen...