Street Dance Girls Fighter aims to continue growing interest in dance by reviving the hit show, “Street Woman Fighter” with talented teenage dance crews. The crew masters from each crew appear as judges and mentors for the contestants. The teenage crews will compete to become the best high school-aged girls’ dance crew in Korea. Kang Daniel joins once again as the emcee of the show.
'The Time Hotel' is a hotel survival survival where 10 guests try to survive as the last one in the ...
There aren’t many people in the world who have a bucket list quite like Will Smith. Now you can join...
Dancing on Ice is a British television show in which celebrities and their professional partners fig...
The special brings together the star dancers “as they take a look back at the show that became a wor...
36 young men gather from around the world to compete for the chance to make their K-pop idol debut. ...
Already talented and famous KPOP stars are recombined to form the ultimate new girl group like puzzl...
(Australia) Celebrities and their professional dance partners strut their stuff on the dancefloor. E...
Dance competition featuring celebrities reliving the classic film’s most memorable dance moments in ...
Celebrities perform famous dance routines in front of a panel of judges to raise money for the Sport...
Dancing with the Stars is a dance competition show airing on MBC TV in South Korea. The show is base...
VIP Dance e българската версия на австралийското танцувално шоу "Strictly Dancing". В България то с...
A group of children, aged between four and 13, compete to find out who is the future of dance. They ...
The Portuguese version of the American "Dancing with the Stars" where, each week, celebrities perfor...
Somebody is like a dating show with an interesting twist; the contestants are all dancers. They are ...
The competition sees celebrities perform choreographed dance routines which are judged by a panel of...
Two young boy bands from Japan BALLISTIK BOYZ and PSYCHIC FEVER have to live in Thailand for six mon...
789 Survival is a Thai survival show created by TADA Entertainment and Sonray Music, where 24 traine...