Follows detectives Mariana Hermansson and Ewert Grens, as they get into a mysterious and increasingl...
Pact with the devil in the most extensive and longest-running liquidation case ever in the Netherlan...
Twenty years after City of God, Buscapé recounts how conflicts between police, traffickers, and mili...
Evie and Pete move into an upscale neighborhood and find themselves in a world of curtain twitching ...
Two petty thieves struggling to make ends meet are pulled into the criminal underworld, slowly climb...
An unexpected event comes to disturb the seemingly calm life of a strong society. The tracks of a sc...
Money, privilege and power - millionaire Robert Durst had it all. But behind closed doors, Durst was...
Because of the brutal killing of his family, making the young engineer take revenge without waiting ...
Nour starts to see strange nightmares while her friend complains about a jinn that chasing her. Betw...