Saint Tail is a phantom thief magical girl manga and anime series. Originally a twenty-four part manga by Megumi Tachikawa, the story was adapted into an anime television series by producer Tokyo Movie Shinsha, with forty-three episodes and one short, broadcast by ABC. Tokyopop translated the manga series, and subtitled and partially dubbed the anime series. Video Games were released for the Sega Saturn and Sega Game Gear in Japan, and are considered collectors items by Saint Tail fans. The Tokyopop book summary states that it is "Robin Hood meets Sailor Moon!"
Heist is an American television series that premiered March 22, 2006, on NBC, but was almost immedia...
Advanced placement into a school of higher grade proof-reading is determined by the results of the P...
Keima is a dating sim champion. Cute girls are rendered powerless by his irresistible game playing t...
Oreimo follows the daily life of an ordinary high school boy named Kyousuke Kousaka. Kyousuke’s youn...
There are three of the Minami sisters: Haruka, Kana and Chiaki, who have an average life. The girls ...
16-year-old Hayate is really down on his luck. Because his unemployed parents are good-for-nothings ...
Anpanman is a superhero who dedicates himself to the cause of justice, aiding the plight of unfortun...
Jr., the heir of Romana and his battle sabers Cherry and Lime, who have girl circuits are enjoying t...
Yumi Hanazono loves flowers. She does not perform well in school, but loves to draw, and wants to be...
Touya Fujii is a twenty-year-old college student dating a rising singer named Yuki Morikawa. Along t...
Loki, the Norse god of mischief, has been exiled to the human world for what was apparently was a ba...
Ikkiman is super human alien, but he doesn't know it. He was raised in a farm by an old couple. When...
Baki Hanma is a young fighter who yearns to follow in the footsteps of his father, Yujiro, and becom...
Yamishibai is a picture-story style of animation whose motif is surrounded and based off the rumors,...
Nana Osaki is a guarded and ambitious young woman with a strong will and a rough past. She is the vo...
Waking up in a strange new place with no memory of his past life, Kelvin learns that he's bartered a...