The Secret World of Santa Claus is a children's animated television show that originates from France. It is syndicated to several countries worldwide, including Teletoon in Canada, and is generally seen every December during the holiday season. On December 25, 1999, Christmas Day, The Secret World of Santa Claus marathon took place from 6:00am to 7:00pm. The show has been put back on air and will be showed every Christmas season on Teletoon.
Experience Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The annual holiday musical spectacular featur...
Due to a childhood curse, anything that the Duke touches will die - which makes his flirty maid’s be...
The Hedenhös family time-travels and ends up in a museum in Stockholm in 2013. They explore the mode...
After nearly three decades of being Santa Claus, Scott Calvin’s magic begins to falter. As he strugg...
Christmas. In other words: the most wonderful time of the year. Except for singles, because as a sin...
Holiday season is here with fun laughs.
Drama revealing the human story beneath the classic biblical tale, from the courtship of Mary and Jo...
A variety and comedy sketch program featuring The Drifters that was broadcast as a special program o...
Take a trip back in time to see what Christmas and the holiday season were like in America not too l...
Sana Ngayong Pasko is a Philippine drama produced by GMA Network. It stars Susan Roces as a grandmot...
Christmas on the Moontop is a Norwegian christmas series. It was produced and sent on NRK in 2002 wi...
Sune, an 11 year old boy struggles with girl troubles and school while he and his goofy family prepa...
Chizuru loves Yuudai; Yuudai loves Chizuru. Yet neither of them can say it clearly because each is u...
After a scandal involving Saint Nick rocks the holly jolly foundations of the North Pole, all hell b...