Animated YouTube series which explores major historical events and figures. Each episodes focuses on a different topic, although Kings and Generals has made several mini-series based on complex historical events like wars. The series often focuses on warfare and battles, in addition to topic like economic and social history. Different animators have worked on the show throughout its history.
A 34-year-old cold-case investigation into the murder of student athlete Denise Pflum in Indiana.
Set during the 18th century Napoleonic Wars, Horatio Hornblower, a young and shy midshipman, rises t...
Videos of an educational YouTube channel made up of entertainment enthusiasts with backgrounds in ga...
The discovery of gold nuggets in the Sacramento Valley in early 1848 sparked the Gold Rush, arguably...
The Chauvet - Pont d´Arc cave has left us an astounding freshness legacy. Adorned by our ancestors 3...
Examine how ancient civilisations built some of the most magnificent structures on the face of the E...
From ancient Egypt - when the Pharaohs ruled - to Anglo-Saxon England, uncover the origins of the cu...
The Conqueror's Story is a Hong Kong television series based on the events in the Chu–Han Contention...
Twilight of a Nation is a Hong Kong television series based on the events of the Taiping Rebellion a...
Extraordinary stories, puzzling mysteries, and legendary journeys behind some of the world's most sa...
TV mini-series telling the PRC's official narrative of its involvement in the Korean War (1950-1953)...
High-stakes exploits turn deadly — and shake a global church to its core — in this extraordinary tru...
THE WONDERS OF EUROPE is a four-part docuseries that tells the story of the people who built some of...