A comedy trio who gave up on their dreams and disbanded. An older sister who quit working in a compa...
The young scholar Gao Sheng (Zheng Shaoqiu), who was proud of his youth, was appreciated by Emperor ...
The story of the ill-fated romance between Zhu Yi Huan, the last princess of the Ming Dynasty and Ka...
A retelling of the popular Chinese folktale Legend of the White Snake that depicts the romance betwe...
For many generations, many have been mesmerized by the legends of the Eight Immortals and their famo...
The modern theater is preparing for the premiere of the long-awaited play that was a huge success in...
When a murder brings them together, Hussein and Ali, who have just discovered that they are brothers...
A stripper's fate takes a turn when she crosses paths with the wealthy, dysfunctional family behind ...
Lawyer Pat's first encounter with Wasu, an enthusiastic politician of a newer generation, doesn't go...