Kathy's So-Called Reality is a television clip show that aired in 2001, hosted by comedian and former Suddenly Susan star Kathy Griffin. The show was "part monologue, part round-table", featuring Griffin discussing clips from a variety of reality TV shows the week prior with a panel of family and friends. According to Griffin, the reality shows, even the "scandal-plagued" Temptation Island, "amazingly" contributed clips to be mocked. The show premiered on MTV February 4, 2001, and ended on April 1, 2001 after only six episodes; MTV did not renew the show, due to low ratings. USA Today columnist Whitney Matheson wrote that the show "seemed to be struggling for content," and "all the good jokes are taken by the time Kathy's weekly rant sees airtime."
NatGeo meets America's Funniest Home Videos in an unlikely marriage that produces hilarious pets, aw...
Talk Soup was a television show produced for cable network E! that debuted on January 7, 1991, and a...
America's Funniest Home Videos is the longest-running primetime entertainment show in ABC history. E...
A comedy series that finds funny, strange and weird clips from the week's TV for the amusement and r...
Rob Dyrdek takes the funniest amateur internet videos and builds them into an episode of edgy, funny...
Comedian Jérémy Demay is at the helm of the ultimate reference in web material.
Narrated by Radio 1 DJ, Greg James, Most Ridiculous seeks out the stupidest and most insane videos e...
A news bulletin covering the web! Each week, Dominic Arpin and his collaborators comment on and expl...
Featuring home videos with an edgier twist. A show where the hits are a little harder, the language ...
Revisit the epic heroes, villains and moments from across the MCU in preparation for the stories sti...
The ultimate compilation of the most outrageous, hilarious and dangerous misadventures on wheels cau...
The Story of Light Entertainment is a British documentary series shown on the BBC in 2006. The serie...
Clips and highlights from different Peter Kay programmes and live stand-up shows.
In a fast-paced review of the video viral revolution, Alex Zane presents a countdown of the funniest...
Join your fan-favorite Disney Branded Television characters as they host a showcase to celebrate the...
Izu suddenly appears before Aruto in Satellite ZEA. However, there seems to be something off abouthe...
Ultraman Zero: The Chronicle is a series that tells the story of Ultraman Zero's adventures. All epi...