These Arms of Mine was a Canadian television drama series, which aired on CBC Television in the 2000-01 television season. The show revolved around a group of professional friends in their 30s living in Vancouver, British Columbia. The cast included Alex Carter as photographer David Bishop and Shauna MacDonald as radio announcer Claire Monroe, whose long distance relationship formed the core of the series. The cast also included Stuart Margolin as Miles Rankin, a former American draft dodger running for Vancouver city council, Conrad Coates as Steven Armstrong, a gay drama teacher grieving the recent death of his partner to AIDS, Babz Chula as magazine editor Esme Price, and Byron Lawson as her much younger restaurateur husband Amos Lee.
A lighthearted romantic comedy about post-collegiate life, love and career in New York City.
In 1921, friends and train porters Junior and Zeke find their unbreakable bond stretched to its limi...
The Beachcombers is a Canadian comedy-drama television series that ran from October 1, 1972 to Decem...
Cold Squad is a Canadian police procedural television series first broadcast in 1998 that followed t...
Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage ...
Ambitious young cops try to prove themselves in their high-stakes careers, in which the smallest mis...
Film star Vince Chase navigates the vapid terrain of Los Angeles with a close circle of friends and ...
The life of a group of adolescents going through the trials and tribulations of teendom at Degrassi ...
Local snowboarding legend Beck McKaye returns home from the 2006 Torino Winter Olympics with a gold ...
Blue Murder is a Canadian crime drama television series, featuring stories that reflected the turbul...
Six young people offer support to one another while trying to find themselves in Los Angeles.
Serial monogamist Brian O'Hara hits his mid-30s and suddenly realizes he's the last bachelor standin...
When Jude Harrison enters G Major’s singer/songwriter contest, she knows her stuff will kill, but sh...
Robson Arms follows the lives of the tenants in a once-grand low-rise in Vancouver's eclectic West E...
Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beache...
The Line is a Canadian television drama series, which debuted on Movie Central and The Movie Network...
Trying to make a name for themselves in New York's competitive fashion scene, Ben Epstein and his fr...
Srugim follows a group of 30-something modern religious singles in the Katamon neighbourhood of Jeru...