Dreaming of a magical world every night, the young Toramizu Ginta yearns to be able to go there. Wit...
Inspired by the classic Brothers Grimm stories, this anthology features six fairy tales with a dark ...
Anime adaptation of Charles Perrault fairy tale, directed by Susumu Ishizaki.
It has been several centuries since human population has declined. Food has become harder to find an...
The story of Rosaline incorporates LGBT themes in a fun, fairytale adventure through the woods. To f...
Old Japanese anime, originally released on VHS in 1986, with each episode telling a different story ...
ALF Tales is an animated American series that ran on the NBC television network on Saturdays from Au...
Anna, Teresa and Helena are naughty triplets that always get into a mess. As punishment the Bored Wi...
Princess Tutu follows Duck, a duck who was transformed into a young girl and takes ballet at a priva...
Oz Vessalius, heir to one of the duke houses, has just turned fifteen. His life is rich and carefree...
Sandra, The Fairytale Detective is a Spanish TV series. Created by Imira Productions. It is an anima...
The students of all the fairytale characters attend Ever After High, where they are either Royals (s...
Explore the world of fantasy through the stories of Thakumar Jhuli, a collection of Bengali folk tal...