Foolish Heart was a Canadian television series, which aired on CBC Television in 1999. The series, a short run dramatic anthology, was produced and written by Ken Finkleman following his earlier series The Newsroom and More Tears. Although the episodes were linked by character interactions, each of the series' six episodes focused on a different character's family or romantic relationship problems. Finkleman also starred in the series as George Findlay, the same character he had played in The Newsroom and More Tears. The series won Finkleman a 1999 Gemini Award for Best Direction in a Dramatic Series. The cast also included Arsinée Khanjian, Sarah Strange, Tom McCamus, Nancy Beatty and Patricia O'Callaghan. Finkleman's next project for the CBC was the series Foreign Objects.
Six beloved African folktales are boldly reimagined in this multilingual anthology series exploring ...
A five-episode anthology that serves as a continuation of the stories of Pick and Rome (Secret Love:...
Anthology of contemporary one-off dramas, adapted from the unique and mystical world of Maori supern...
Gulf Playhouse is an NBC anthology series that aired on Friday nights. It was a live show that was s...
Twisted Tales is a dark and stylish comedy drama series. With intense scripts written by a mix of es...
Tae Ukishima works at the front desk for a company. Her dream is to marry a competent man and live a...
The Great Adventure is a historical anthology series that appeared on CBS for the 1963-1964 televisi...
Ford Star Jubilee is an American anthology series that aired once a month on Saturday nights on CBS ...
Different stories happening in Bangkok during the COVID-19 quarantine.
Tales from the Darkside is an anthology horror TV series created by George A. Romero, each episode w...
An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house ...
The story of Dutch speaking young teenagers and pupils in a high school in Antwerp, and their troubl...
Letter to Loretta is an American anthology drama series telecast on NBC from September 1953 to June ...
Dramarama is the name of a British children's anthology series broadcast on ITV between 1983 and 198...
A British television anthology of stories, often with sinister and wryly comedic undertones, and a t...
Thirty-Minute Theatre is an anthology drama series of short plays shown on BBC Television between 19...
This spooky anthology series for kids recounts ghost stories told by the young members of the Midnig...
Prudential Family Playhouse is an American anthology drama series that aired on live CBS from Octobe...
Kraft Suspense Theatre is an American anthology series that was telecast from 1963 to 1965 on NBC. S...
Four Star Playhouse is an American television anthology series that ran from 1952 to 1956, sponsored...