Featuring new revelations and unprecedented access, this docuseries digs into the disappearance of 2...
Based on a series of light novels written by Tanaka Yoshiki. The story revolves around Ryōko Yakushi...
Bob and Nimisha, face a car breakdown and a fabricated story. Nimisha disappears and Bob receives a ...
A man wakes up in the hospital without remembering anything. He does not know who he is. But evident...
The modern theater is preparing for the premiere of the long-awaited play that was a huge success in...
Lawyer Pat's first encounter with Wasu, an enthusiastic politician of a newer generation, doesn't go...
Continuing the adventures from the film series, Shikoro Ichibei is back with his cache of unique wea...
Rono and Mitul's forbidden romance challenges tradition in a riveting tale of courage and passion!
Lieutenant Opas didn't ask for his gift. But ever since he fell and hit his head during a practice m...
The story of how the crimes of ‘respected’ GP Harold Shipman were first discovered and how he was ev...
A look at some of the biggest cases handled by real-life FBI agents and analysts.
In an industrial and labyrinthine seaside town, people ignite suddenly with no reason. Suicides? Mur...