Featuring new revelations and unprecedented access, this docuseries digs into the disappearance of 2...
Based on a series of light novels written by Tanaka Yoshiki. The story revolves around Ryōko Yakushi...
In 1994, Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio's assassination sends his dying widow r...
After being paralysed while on a case Detective Ichiro Onizuka returns to Shinjuku East to solve uns...
Inspector Carlo Guerrieri, a veteran police officer from Rome, finds himself partnered with a rookie...
There are three friends who have been together since high school, but in 2013, one of them died. The...
Flip is a series of four short stories, each, telling the tale of one or many occurrences that cause...
Follow commissioner Franz Podolsky, who investigates a brutal murder. Because of the upcoming Olympi...
Looking at interesting criminal cases and incidents.
The wandering physician Ye Pingan, entangled in an old and secretive case, arrives in Chang'an. Accu...
Yu Tong, a fire investigator with the Qingdu City Fire Brigade, faces a perplexing case of spontaneo...