Rich Girls was an MTV reality show that aired for one season in the fall of 2003 and winter of 2004. The program followed the lives of the daughters of two very successful businessmen: Ally Hilfiger and her then-best friend Jaime Gleicher as they completed their final semester of high school, graduated and spent the ensuing summer together. They are shown shopping and gossiping in a series of luxurious locales such as: London, the Hamptons, Hilfiger's family estates in Nantucket and tropical British West Indies, as well as Los Angeles. However, their home base and the setting for much of the action was New York City. Ally and Jaime were the show's eponymous "rich girls" because Hilfiger's father is Tommy Hilfiger, the multi-millionaire owner of the same named fashion label and Gleicher's late father, Leo, was the founder of Innovation Luggage, a company with a net worth of $10 million. Notable cameos that occurred during the program included American Idol judge Randy Jackson who ran into the girls at a Los Angeles eatery, former President of the United States Bill Clinton who attended a special screening of the World War II film Proud held aboard the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, and Ally's famous dad, who invited his daughter to his workplace to critique his sportswear line.
Moolah Beach is a reality show in the vein of Survivor but with teenagers competing in competitions ...
The Virgin Diaries is a reality TV show produced by Tiger Aspect for MTV UK. Each episode follows yo...
Endurance is an American reality television children's program, previously shown on the Discovery Ki...
Two-A-Days is a show on the United States cable television channel MTV. The show chronicled the live...
The Simple Life is an American reality television series. The series aired from December 2, 2003 to ...
My Life as Liz is a mockumentary style American television series that centers on the life of Liz Le...
A room makeover program for young people hosted by Stéphane Bellavance.
Like other teens in California, the lives of the Laguna Beach teenagers are filled with sandy beache...
Contestants use drawing skills to communicate clues and win prizes. Teams are made up of kid contest...
Name Your Adventure is an American reality series that aired on Saturday mornings during NBC's TNBC ...
Meet Jazz Jennings! Jazz is a transgender teenage girl who has been living as a girl since she was i...
A look into the privileged lives of several twenty-somethings. Luxury. Style. Drama. Jet-Setting. F...
My Super Sweet 16 is a MTV reality series documenting the lives of teenagers, usually in the United ...
I Want To Be a Hilton is a 2005 weekly NBC reality television series that was hosted by Kathy Hilton...
The Ride: The Road to the U.S. Army All-American Bowl is the story of 8 under the radar high-school ...
A general knowledge quiz show that brings together a group of 100 very smart high-school students. A...
Marina Bastarache and a guest chef challenge the kitchen brigades, made up of would-be high school c...