The spiky-haired British clairvoyant ("Life Among the Dead") returns for a five-episode encore featu...
The Others is an American TV series created by John Brancato and Michael Ferris, and produced by Del...
Born on the day and night of February 29, Day and Night are each plagued by a terrible curse that, e...
Jennie Marie, a doting wife and mother with a larger-than-life personality, is gifted with the extra...
Eiji, an average high school student, and his 2 friends stumble onto a crime scene. When he touches ...
Seven psychics undergo a series of challenges designed to test their abilities in clairvoyance, tele...
Telling ghost stories is a favorite past time of Mai Taniyama and her friends—that is, until she mee...
University lecturer Robert Bridge becomes involved in a series of supernatural events surrounding me...
Ten years ago, a mysterious spatial anomaly now known as "Heaven's Gate" appeared in South America, ...
Im Jin Hee is a gung ho reporter, out to do the ring thing. She covers a violent case involving Fore...
The eccentric Oh Hyun Jae was a peerless criminal profiler until a bomb planted by a serial killer t...
A psychic vet and a detective join forces to crack small-town cases — but their skills are tested wh...
Travel for Ghosts is a paranormal investigation series where paranormal investigator Vega and guests...
The story of a psychic, a priest, and a detective who fight unusual crimes committed by strange powe...
After moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa, Maebara Keiichi spends his days blissfully in school...
Meisuke Nueno (Ryuhei Maruyama) is the homeroom teacher of a 2nd grade 3 class in high school. He is...
Born with psychic powers, Cho-ueang is vilified as a bad omen against the community. When she is onl...