"Tales of Chinese Mysteries", an ancient costume mythical drama. In 1987, the Hong Kong ATV TV series was produced by Lee Yuen-For. It is divided into four units, namely "The Monk is also romantic", "Fox Girl", "Jishan's House" and "Little Ghost Stealing Gold".
Taishang Laojun Deyu Emperor ordered to find eight candidates who had the potential to become immort...
Explore the world of fantasy through the stories of Thakumar Jhuli, a collection of Bengali folk tal...
Syd Burnett has left her complicated past behind to become an LAPD detective. Paired with a new part...
Hoping to make a comeback after a bad scandal, an actress agrees to research a new role by taking a ...
The story takes place at a time in Joseon history, when upheaval and power struggles surrounding the...
Lee Soo-Ho and Oh San-Ha are deeply in love. They have their wedding and go on a honeymoon. During t...
Sim Chung-Yi has an absolute sense of sight which allows her to identify thousands of colors. She al...