A extraordinary true story of Delia Balmer, who survived a near-fatal relationship with murderer Joh...
In the early 21st century, mankind has colonized the oceans. The United Earth Oceans Organization en...
Two qualities define the Nile as the ultimate river. First, it is the world’s longest river. From th...
After returning from abroad after a break-up with his long-term partner, Justin plans to connect wit...
Join the crew of the Seaview aboard their super high-tech submarine, where no mission is too dangero...
An inexperienced U-boat crew has to survive a secret mission and a young German woman is torn betwee...
Commanded by Captain Michael Murphy, Sealab is dedicated to the exploration of the seas and the prot...
Deep down in the Pacific Ocean in the subterranean city of Bikini Bottom lives a square yellow spong...
A four-part series about the Lake District. Paul Rose explores some of England's highest mountains a...
Filmed over the course of a year, this three-part documentary follows those who live in one of the m...
Marine Boy was one of the first color anime cartoons to be shown in a dubbed form in the U.S., and l...
The adventures of the Nekton family, a family of daring underwater explorers who live aboard a state...
The adventures of a young shell named Shelldon who, together with his best friends Herman and Connie...
Bill Nighy narrates a visually stunning trip along a spectacular river.
Homicide Detective Lise returns to her hometown for the first time since a local tragedy shattered h...