The Shopping Bags was a Canadian television series that aired on the W Network in Canada and on Fine Living in the United States. Launched in 2002, the series focused on consumer affairs and better shopping. Each week the program looked at several goods and services to discover which one was the best. This was also done to guide viewers towards which product or service may best suit their needs. The program looked at day-to-day shopping and big ticket items, as well as having a final "Shopping Thought" at the end of each program. The Shopping Bags was produced in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada by Worldwide Bag Media Inc. and distributed by Picture Box Distribution. The hosts and show creators are award-winning journalists Anna Wallner and Kristina Matisic. The show first aired on the W Network, a television channel in Canada aimed at women. The program was also broadcast on Fine Living in the United States, a channel aimed at both male and female viewers. In 2005, a companion book to The Shopping Bags television show was written by Wallner and Matisic and published in 2006. The book is titled The Shopping Bags: Tips, Tricks, and Inside Information to Make You a Savvy Shopper.
Good Game is a program dedicated to video gaming. Each week it is jam-packed with the latest gaming ...
Hosted by passionate gamers Hex (Stephanie Bendixsen) and Bajo (Steven O'Donnell) and not so nice R...
This award-winning weekly automotive magazine provides unbiased, consumer-oriented car news with fea...
Watchdog is a BBC television series that investigates viewers' reports of problematic experiences wi...
Join Steph and Nich as they cover the latest games, gaming news, controversies and conventions! From...
Jonathan Medart goes UNDERCOVER visiting the worst scoring businesses on Google Reviews in Belgium. ...
RuPaul's Drag Race alums critique the runway looks from the RuPaul's Drag Race mainstage. Will they ...
The series revolves around Adam giving his opinions on television idents, the majority of the episod...
ZDF's traditional annual review, divided into twelve blocks of months introduced by seasonal trailer...
An adult parody review show that started as a drunken conversation about weird movies and quickly de...
takes a look at things on TV, VHS, PSAs, and other sources that could be considered scary or frighte...
"Street Cents," a teen-centered newsmagazine aired on CBC Television from 1989 to 2006, stood out fo...
Kassa is a consumer television program produced by VARA, which was created by and is hosted by Felix...
Rogue Traders was a prime-time BBC One presenter-led investigative consumer affairs television serie...
Joe Lycett, famed for his epic battles with petty officials and dodgy scammers, fights for the consu...
Australia’s favourite film critic Margaret Pomeranz alongside actor and writer Graeme Blundell. This...