The Tournament was a Canadian television series, which aired on CBC Television in 2005 and 2006. The series, a mockumentary show about a community minor hockey team, depicted the behind-the-scenes interactions between the players, their parents and coaches as the team competed for a spot in the annual youth hockey championship tournament. The cast included Alain Goulem, Paula Boudreau, Christian Potenza, Emily Tilson and Ari Cohen. Seven episodes were produced in the 2004-05 television season, airing in the winter of 2005, and ten episodes were produced in the 2005-06 season. The CBC announced on February 13, 2006, that the show would not be brought back for the 2006-07 television season.
For Valerie Cherish, no price is too high to pay for clinging to the spotlight. Desperate to revive ...
The offbeat cast and crew of a sports news show deal with professional, personal, and ethical challe...
The daily lives of four friends who enjoy extreme sports, surfing, and getting into some crazy situa...
Set in the year 2031, this mockumentary looks back at events that ostensibly happened during the fir...
This partially unscripted comedy brings viewers into the squad car as incompetent officers swing int...
15/Love was a Canadian-produced television series that revolves around the lives of aspiring young t...
The documentary crew that immortalized Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch is in search of a new subjec...
Hang Time is an American teen sitcom about a fictional Indiana high school's boys' basketball team "...
When Arihara Tsubasa enters Rigahama Municipal High School and learns that it has no baseball club, ...
Zach hires a camera crew to film him throughout his daily life as a part of his quest to become an o...
New Century Zero takes place a long time after the events of Zoids: Chaotic Century. Zoids are no lo...
Operation Good Guys is a British mockumentary, a fly-on-the-wall documentary series about an elite p...
Jack and Jeremy's Real Lives was a 1996 comedy show for Channel 4, written by and starring Jack Dee ...
They Think It's All Over is a British comedy panel game with a sporting theme produced by Talkback a...
After his wife leaves him for a starving artist, high-flying insurance broker Richard Scribe has an ...
Otonokizaka High School is planning to close within three years. However, nine female students come ...
A behind-the-scenes look at the glitzy, big-money world of professional sports following the eternal...
L'Gros Show is a Canadian situation comedy/mockumentary television series which is broadcast on the ...
Struggling to find success, a former wrestling prodigy finds himself ready to quit until he reencoun...