The Eleventh Hour is a Canadian television drama series which aired weekly on CTV from 2002 to 2005. The show revolves around the reporters and producers at a fictional television newsmagazine series, The Eleventh Hour. Unhappy with the newsmagazine's shrinking audience, the network has brought in a new executive producer, Kennedy Marsh, to reorient the show in a more ratings-driven tabloid journalism direction. The tension between the ratings imperative and the more traditional journalistic ethics of the show's senior staff is the primary conflict that drives the show, but storylines also include the team's efforts to get the stories that will make it to air each week. The Eleventh Hour was produced by Alliance Atlantis, Canada's largest film and television production house. It aired in the U.S. on Sleuth, under the title Bury the Lead, to distinguish it from a CBS series with a similar name.
Mary Jane Paul is a one-woman-show: a successful TV news anchor, and an entirely self-sufficient pow...
Fitz and Bones is a short-lived American television series, starring Dick and Tom Smothers, that air...
The offbeat cast and crew of a sports news show deal with professional, personal, and ethical challe...
Breaking News is an American drama television series about the fictional Milwaukee-based 24-hour cab...
Pepper Dennis is a reporter hoping to move into the anchor chair. She may or may not have helped her...
Set against the backdrop of a hit dating competition show, "UnREAL" is led by Rachel, a young staffe...
A behind-the-scenes look at a fictional sketch-comedy TV show.
The onscreen melodrama is nothing compared to what happens when the cameras stop rolling on the fict...
Two siblings, Ebba and Didrik, live in small society by the sea. An ordinary family with usual strug...
A harried executive tries to keep a fledgling TV network afloat.
Lena's father works as a developer in Hitler's high-tech forge, where the famous unit receiver E1 wa...
Marianne is a spoiled young city woman who marries the farmer Börje. She finds it difficult to adapt...
WIOU is an American television drama series, which aired on CBS in 1990 and 1991. The show is set in...
E.N.G. is a Canadian television drama, following the staff of a fictional Toronto television news st...
Jessica Novak is a 1981 drama television series that aired on CBS from November 5, 1981 till Decembe...
Lorca, a great Spanish poet, playwright, and theatre director. García Lorca achieved international r...
Set in the 1950s, the plot follows the fictional creation of the first Brazilian TV station.
The American Girls is an American drama series that aired on CBS on Saturday night from September 23...