A first-of-its-kind global talent competition featuring acts from every genre imaginable, from every...
The 2023 reboot of Croatian Idol. The most talented singer will win a cash prize and the title of Cr...
The portuguese adaption of UK's original talent show Britain's Got Talent, a unique format that give...
Lauren Platt guides eight teen singers through the highs and lows of the music industry, and there's...
Românii au talent is a TV show which first aired on 18 February 2011. The project is a franchise of ...
British version of the game show in which two contestants, paired with celebrities, must guess the t...
RuPaul has made the trip across the pond in search of a queen with the most charisma, uniqueness, ne...
The Philippines’ biggest talent reality show that lets Filipinos showcase their unique talent.
Amateur performers of all kinds are rated by studio judges on a talent scale. As the talent level va...
Harry Hill gives the legendary transformation show a makeover in a brand new series. Five members of...
Variety show featuring talented acts from around the world displaying their mastery of performance, ...