Hilarious, totally-irreverent, near-slanderous political quiz show, based mainly on news stories fro...
A British sketch comedy series with the shows being composed of surreality, risqué or innuendo-laden...
A British television comedy series, written by Michael Palin and Terry Jones of Monty Python fame. F...
A money-hungry lawyer and a righteous rookie become an unlikely courtroom duo in this remake of the ...
Goodness Gracious Me is a BBC English language sketch comedy show originally aired on BBC Radio 4 fr...
A crazy comedy about three rather strange parish priests exiled to Craggy Island, a remote island of...
2DTV is a British satirical animated television show that was broadcast on ITV in the United Kingdom...
Jerri Blank is a former prostitute and junkie whore who returns to high school as a 46-year-old fres...
Agony is a British sitcom that aired on ITV from 1979 to 1981. It starred Maureen Lipman as a succes...
A British television comedy series of the 1970s and early 1980s, combining surreal sketches and situ...
Revolves around the lives of members of a suburban family called the Johnsons. Hard-working Edgar, t...
Andy Millman gave up his day job five years ago in the hope of achieving the big time, but he’s yet ...
Tracey Takes On... is a sketch comedy series starring comedienne Tracey Ullman. The show ran for fou...
A spoof of the British news - including ridiculous stories, patronising vox pops, offensively hard-h...
Broken News is a comedy programme shown on BBC Two in autumn 2005 and in Australia on SBS-TV from th...
The fortunes of a former chat show host who is reduced to a lowly slot on Radio Norwich. Alan Partri...
A four-part drama exploring the myth of Columbus as heroic discoverer of the Americas.
El Privilegio de Mandar was a successful Mexican political parody broadcast by Televisa on Canal de ...
Neues aus der Anstalt is a political cabaret program on German television station ZDF, hosted by Urb...
This weekly, half-hour topical animated series set in an extraterrestrial newsroom covers up-to-the-...