"What a day" is a light variety reality show launched by Bilibili in the summer of 2020, produced by Atomic Entertainment. The regular members of the show are Hua Shaobei, LexBurner, LaoFanQie, Some Fantasy King, and the Chinese BOY Super Gorilla. Starting from July 24, it will be broadcast exclusively on Bilibili every Friday at 12:00 noon. Created by the UP host Hua Shaobei, LexBurner, LaoFanQie, Some Magic King, Chinese BOY Super Gorilla and Pharaoh! Summer limited theme song "Summer Boy".
Ramyun Brothers go to a famous tourist spot and open a ramyeon restaurant. They prepared 21 ramyeon ...
Reunion? A new love? Which will you choose? Five pairs of ex-lovers live together in a luxury hotel ...
Watch host Tony travel around the world and enjoy luxurious tourism with his companion Priscilla Won...
"Detective College", as a derivative of the fifth season of "Who's the Murderer", is a star reasonin...
Female celebrities gather on court to learn from seasoned coaches and train for victory as members o...
10 artists from GMMTV, must live together under the same roof. They have to carry out exciting missi...
Spreading the flavours and goodness of K-Food to the world - one lunch tray at a time!
'The Time Hotel' is a hotel survival survival where 10 guests try to survive as the last one in the ...
Worldwide sensation Takeshi's Castle returns after 34 years! Popular games are revived on a larger s...
A gameshow hosted by Ant and Dec filled with stunts, sketches, and special guest appearances.
In a reality show like no other, six stars come together in a parallel time and space to delight aud...