The Untouchables is an American crime drama series that aired for two seasons in syndication, from January 1993 to May 1994. The series portrayed work of the real life Untouchables federal investigative squad in Prohibition-era Chicago and its efforts against Al Capone's attempts to profit from the market in bootleg liquor. The series features Tom Amandes as Eliot Ness and William Forsythe as Al Capone, and was based on the 1959 series and 1987 film of the same name.
From England to Egypt, accompanied by his elegant and trustworthy sidekicks, the intelligent yet ecc...
Welcome to the war between the FBI and organized crime. One side enforces the law as the other break...
Set in 1932 Los Angeles, the series focuses on the origin story of famed defense lawyer Perry Mason....
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Art...
Shanghai in 30s: An intriguing crime case emerges amidst the bustling city. A beautiful new graduate...
A troubled psychologist returns from the U.S. and sets up a clinic in Taiwan, where mysterious patie...
A grieving mother discovers the criminals behind her daughter's tragic death, and transforms from me...
Follow commissioner Franz Podolsky, who investigates a brutal murder. Because of the upcoming Olympi...
The Line is a Canadian television drama series, which debuted on Movie Central and The Movie Network...
The show follows three main characters who team up to solve unusual cases. Although they have differ...
Special Agent Eliot Ness and his elite team of incorruptible agents battle organized crime in 1930s ...
Soul Food: The Series is a television drama that aired Wednesday nights on Showtime from June 28, 20...
With the city in peril following the seawall's collapse, Oswald "Oz" Cobb seeks to fill the power va...
In the future when technological enhancements and robotics are a way of life, Major Motoko Kusanagi ...
Omertà or Omertà, The Code of Silence is a Quebec television series of 11 forty-five minute episodes...
Jason Dessen is abducted into an alternate version of his life. To get back to his true family, he e...
The Family Holvak is an American drama series that aired on CBS from September, 1975 to June 28, 197...
The hard-boiled saga of hair-trigger cop Lieutenant Mike Torello and his obsessive pursuit of ruthle...