Here's Boomer is an American adventure/drama series produced by Paramount that premiered on the NBC network on March 14, 1980. A television movie called A Christmas for Boomer aired on December 6, 1979 and served as the pilot. The show follows the adventures of the titular stray dog, "Boomer" and ran for two seasons, ending its run in August 1982, with the final original episode, "Flatfoots," airing on July 3 of that year.
A series of shorts that follows the humorous misadventures of Dug, the lovable dog from Disney and P...
A Deputy Marshal inherits an unruly dog who helps him solve crimes and investigate a family mystery.
The Road Rovers are a team of five super-powered crime-fighting anthropomorphic dogs known as "cano-...
Family Dog is an American animated television series that aired in the summer of 1993 on CBS. Create...
After his handler is killed, police dog Rex teams up with recently-divorced inspector Richard Moser ...
Meet George Jetson and his quirky family: wife Jane, son Elroy and daughter Judy. Living in the auto...
After many years spent at the “Cheers” bar, Frasier moves back home to Seattle to work as a radio ps...
Wishbone is a children's television show. The show's title character is a Jack Russell Terrier of th...
After foiling Cruella DeVil's plot to make a fur coat with the puppies' skins, the Dearly Family (Ro...
Follow Tia Torres, founder of Villalobos Rescue Center, and her family as they rehabilitate both fel...
A young woman named Anusorn's father suddenly died. Upon returning home, Anusorn finds that her fath...
The Adventures of Sam & Max: Freelance Police is an American-Canadian children’s action & adventure ...
McDuff, The Talking Dog was a Saturday morning live action television program that aired on NBC in 1...
The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin is an American children's television program. Beginning in October 195...
An adventure-filled series bubbling with fun and games featuring three loveable and playful friends....
Dr. Dog is a sensitive, caring doctor and a frisky, floppy-eared pooch!
After finding out he is the son of the great leader of Ohu, Gin, Weed sets out on a journey to find ...
Hector's House is a children's television series using hand puppets. Like the better known The Magi...
Almost anything is fair game, from wardrobe malfunctions, wedding bloopers, and sports debacles to o...
Bothered to realize they are next-door neighbors and share a psychiatrist, a man and a woman find it...