Safe House follows the lives of eight GMMTV artists morning to night as they live under one roof and...
Intense and visceral, Elis Regina was a protagonist not only in the Brazilian musical scene but also...
An American television series originally produced between 1982 and 1987. The show is based on the 19...
A British children's musical television comedy programme aimed at and mostly about teenagers, which ...
A much cherished annual tradition since 1972, the show includes special musical performances, report...
Dreams is an American television series that aired in 1984-1985 for one season on CBS. It follows th...
Music journalists take a closer look at the work of some of the biggest recording artists in the wor...
Ripley Holden is a small-time entrepreneur desperate to make it big with his new state-of-the-art am...
Rags to Riches is an American musical comedy drama series that was broadcast on NBC for two seasons ...
Live Through This is a teen drama broadcast on MTV during the 2000–2001 season, though cancelled aft...
A series of benefit shows staged initially in the United Kingdom to raise funds for the human rights...
The story is centered on the love between a musically gifted South Korean man, Sung-jae Jo Hyun Jae,...
Bands perform in Berlin's legendary club TRAFO, the concrete temple music.
Introducing IDOLiSH7 Vibrato! Based on the popular music game, this YouTube original series features...