War and Peace in the Nuclear Age, first broadcast in 1989, is a thirteen-part PBS series on the origins and evolution of nuclear competition between the United States and the former Soviet Union. The series examined the rivalry for power and how it shaped the diplomacy, negotiation, ethical debates, and doctrine of deterrence that ran through the forty-year history of the nuclear age. This collection contains the full interviews and selected stock footage from the series.
The untold true story behind the Cold War race to put man into space.
The astonishing secret events behind the Russian submarine, Red October, that went missing on March ...
Carl Sagan covers a wide range of scientific subjects, including the origin of life and a perspectiv...
'Nuclear Sharks' explores the silent, stealthy symbol of the Cold War. A war waged outside public vi...
The KGB has influenced world events on numerous occasions before. Assassinations, coup d’états, thef...
Now more than ever, terrorist groups are obtaining nuclear weapons. With increasing cases of theft a...
Submarines today are highly complex machines crammed with technology and weapons. As impressive as t...
Designed in partnership with HISTORY and using a distinctly European perspective, this series offers...
Journalist Charles Moore, who wrote Margaret Thatcher's authorised biography, explores her extremely...
Betray your country, save the world. Spies and traitors play a dangerous game in the 1980s as the Co...
It is a moment unlike any other in time. From coast to coast, Canada is united by the game we call o...
Taking viewers back to the Atomic Age of the mid-20th century by going on a mission to identify the ...
Pandora's Box is a six-part 1992 BBC documentary television series which examines the consequences o...
A six-part documentary series about the least known events of World War II. The series reveal a litt...
The story of this fantastic period of history between 1945 and 1991, which was defined by the confro...