With an all-star cast led by Matsudaira Ken and Natsuyagi Isao, this exciting tale set in the aftermath of the fall of Osaka Castle tells the story of the last of the Toyotomi heirs in his quest for revenge against the Tokugawa. Hidenari, the son of Hideyori and grandson of Hideyoshi is smuggled to safety after his hideout is discovered. Bringing together many of the most renowned historical figures from that era, including Hattori Hanzo, Yagyu Jubei, and Miyamoto Musashi, the gathering forces of each faction strive to succeed in battle. Spectacular action sequences abound as some of the most powerful forces in Japan prepare to meet on the field of battle! Original story by Shibata Renzaburo.
Bouquet of Barbed Wire explores the consequences of a father’s obsessive love for his daughter and h...
After swearing off music due to an incident at the middle school regional brass band competition, eu...
Shiba Ryoma, a genius lawyer, cleared the bar exam with the highest score while attending university...
A young idealistic civil servant, Arvid Falk, leaves the drudgery of bureaucracy to become a journal...
The story of Tess Durbeyfield, a low-born country girl whose family find they have noble connections...
Bano and her fiance face the trials and tribulations caused by the 1947 Indian partition.
In the Joseon dynasty, a female breadwinner takes a job as a substitute test-taker, but soon finds h...
A story about first love and romances from the perspective of three couples in the workplace. Becaus...
After losing her parents in a mysterious fire, nine-year-old Alice Hart is raised by her grandmother...
Nanotechnology researcher Wang Miao is taken to the Joint Operations Center by police officer Shi Qi...
Orphaned when he was not yet ten, Musashi grows up skilled in the martial arts. During the Battle of...
Norwegian miniseries based on Unni Lindell's mystery novel.
Lady Constance Chatterley is married to the handicapped Sir Clifford Chatterley, who was wounded in ...
Off-duty Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF) officer and otaku, Youji Itami, is on his way to attend a ...
Thanks to a Japanese scientist's invention of synthetic, blood vampires have progressed from legenda...
Kenlong has always had it all—beauty, wealth, and brains. Perfection is her standard, especially whe...