I Am the Greatest: The Adventures of Muhammad Ali is an animated series featuring heavyweight boxing legend Muhammad Ali, who starred as his own voice. The short-lived series was broadcast Saturday mornings on NBC in the fall of 1977, but was cancelled by January 1978.
ProStars is a Saturday morning cartoon show produced by DiC that aired on NBC from September 14 to D...
In the year 2002, the formerly powerful Japanese men's gymnastics team member Jotaro Aragaki is no l...
Pros vs. Joes is an American physical reality game show that airs on Spike TV. The show features mal...
The Pathway chronicles each player’s dream of reaching the NBA, documenting the extraordinary sacrif...
A reality television series that follows a group of boxers as they compete with one another in an el...
In the '90s, TV's stunt-filled "American Gladiators" thrilled fans. This docuseries explores the sho...
A compelling narrative revealing the man behind the icon - Derek Jeter. Amidst a time of great chang...
WakeBrothers is a 12 episodes comedic reality series following the personal and professional lives o...
A six-part documentary series offering viewers a raw and cinematic look at the former heavyweight ch...
This comedy drama series featured Terry McCann, a former boxer with a conviction for G.B.H., and Art...
Candela works at a logistics company while she pursues her dream of becoming a singer. Her life chan...
Two young boxers band together with a benevolent moneylender to take down a ruthless loan shark who ...
Sun is a debt collector unable to successfully collect a debt. Thai is a new debt collector, his riv...
After a devastating loss, Esteban “La Máquina” Osuna is at a low point in his boxing career. Lucky f...
Undefeated heavyweight champion Tyson Fury retires from boxing to embrace the eccentricities of fami...
Vanished genius boxer Kwon-sook and cold-hearted agent Tae-young risk all to defy match-fixing's clu...
Muhammad Ali brings to life the iconic heavyweight boxing champion who became an inspiration to peop...
Because of a broken heart and drunkenness, Dr. Wandee goes from darling to daring, entangling himsel...