A wildly unusual story set in the earliest days of the Meiji era. The story centers around a gathering place called The Mermaid Saloon, where scantily clad pearl divers put on a show while two residents of the inn upstairs...
Kazutoyo lived during the end of the Sengoku period (1546-1605). He was the first feudal lord of the...
Byakkotai was part of Aizu's four-unit military, set up in the domain's drive to finalize its milita...
Kōchiyama Sōshun serves as a cha-bōzu (He is kind of tea man) in the administrative headquarters of ...
Monzaemon Chikamatsu is a middle-age dramatist of jōruri (form of puppet theater that preceded bunra...
Unokichi , the grandchild of Edo’s wealthiest merchant Mikuniya Tokuemon, becomes a constable in an ...
The story of the battles between the 3 related families Kishu, Mito, and Owari, as each vies for the...
The 40th NHK Taiga Drama is Hojo Tokimune. It tells the dramatic and turbulent life of young shikken...
The story takes place during the Muromachi period of Ancient Japan, in the midst of the Ōnin War. Th...
This drama tells the story of the Oushu Fujiwara clan spanning generations, 140 years in the late He...
On March 23, 1585, Japanese Christian envoys visited Pope Gregory XIII at the Papal Court in Rome, I...
The drama centers on Ashikaga Takauji's rise to power, overthrowing the Kamakura shogunate and event...
Focusing on the life of Nene, the good wife who supported Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the world of the Warri...
It depicts how the winner, the Satsuma Clan, and the loser, the Aizu Clan, survive through the Edo p...
Kaze to kumo to Niji to deals with the Heian period in Japan. Based on Chōgorō Kaionji`s novels Tair...
The drama is depicting the life and times in 17th and 18th century Japan during the rule of the eigh...
Shibusawa Eiichi was born in 1840 to a farmer’s family. He grew up helping his family with work, whi...
This is the story about the a very powerful Lady Kasuga who established Ooku the inner palace.
It has been twelve years since the Battle of Sekigahara. The Toyotomi family was sealed in Osaka Cas...
Izumo no Okuni was born about 1571. This time period in Japanese history was fraught with struggle. ...