Mona the Vampire is a Canadian/French animated television series based on the series Robyn le Vampir...
Jo Frost, a modern day, tough-love "Mary Poppins" is placed with families in need of guidance or car...
With the help of his friend “The Man in the Yellow Hat,” a curious little monkey named George sets o...
The Kids of Degrassi Street is a Canadian children's TV show that aired from 1979 to 1986, and is th...
The story of Romina, a secretary turned wife of business tycoon, Robert, who married her despite the...
All Imlie wanted was to create a name for herself in the city. But upon her arrival, she finds herse...
Being Ian is a Canadian animated series produced by Studio B Productions, Corus Entertainment and Ne...
Clarissa Darling is a teen girl dealing with typical pre-adolescent concerns such as school, boys, p...
Jack Whitehall and his father embark on a globe-trotting trip to find answers to the big questions f...
The adventures of three curious boys who are transported back to dramatically different places in hi...
Crank up the 8-track and flash back to a time when platform shoes and puka shells were all the rage ...
A young girl named Dora goes on adventures with her red boot-wearing monkey named Boots.
The high commander of an alien expedition lands on Earth -- what he considers to be the least-import...
Haha and Byul, known as typical lovebirds, and their three children (Dream, Soul, and Song), who hav...
Three women at different stages of life grapple with questions of marriage and raising children.
Anne Shirley goes through quite a lot of adventures before she ends up in Green Gables. She is livin...
As a single father of five teenage boys, Nick Savage faces the daunting challenge of trying to contr...