Orleans is a short-lived American drama series that aired on CBS from January 7, 1997 through April 10, 1997. It ran for only 8 episodes. The series was said to be inspired by the experiences of creater producer Toni Graphia, who was the daughter of a Louisiana judge.
Frank's Place is an American comedy-drama series which aired on CBS for 22 episodes during the 1987-...
1911, A graduate of the Institute of Noble Maidens, Sasha Meshcherskaya returns to a small provincia...
The Big Easy television series was inspired by the film of the same name from 1987. The show premier...
K-Ville is an American television drama created and executive produced by Jonathan Lisco, centering ...
New Orleans judge Michael Desiato is forced to confront his own deepest convictions when his son is ...
Judging Amy is an American television drama that was telecast from September 19, 1999, through May 3...
A look at the personal and professional lives of the judges, lawyers, clerks, bailiffs and cops who ...
A cruel and vicious judge who wields power only for herself, who meets a warm and cheerful detective...
Michio Iruma is a former lawyer. He now works as a judge in the first criminal court (commonly known...
James Kavanagh QC is one of the top flight barristers in Britain. Each episode has him handling chal...
The Courtroom is a British legal drama created by Phil Redmond, which aired between June and Decembe...
A drama about the local field office that investigates criminal cases affecting military personnel i...
Courthouse is a short-lived drama television series that ran from September to November 1995 on CBS....
Noh Chak-hee, the ace lawyer of the big law firm, Jangsan, becomes a public defender overnight and m...
A morally corrupt judge suffers a breakdown and believes that God is speaking directly to him, compe...
The court system is corrupted and old-fashioned. People desire a new system that can satisfy the cro...