Scrapheap Challenge is an engineering game show produced by RDF Media and broadcast on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom. In the show, teams of contestants had 10 hours in which to build a working machine that could do a specific task, using materials available in a scrapheap. The format was exported to the United States, where it was known as Junkyard Wars. The US show was also produced by RDF Media, and was originally shown on The Learning Channel. Repeats have aired on another Discovery network, the Science Channel.
An element of truth | Science and engineering videos Veritasium is a channel of science and enginee...
Providing a rare glimpse into the concepts and processes behind some of Mark Rober's most outrageous...
It's all about turning piles of rusting junk into a money making machine. To make this happen, Andy ...
Four modern day engineers attempt to rebuild sections of the Titanic, using the tools and techniques...
They are the high-flying pride of the U.S. military, one-of-a-kind warriors that, over the decades, ...
Five engineers stranded in the middle of hostile dessert terrain, surrounded by the wreckage of a ve...
Follow the wild real life exploits of legendary wheeler dealer junkman, Lawrie Vautier, as he knocks...
Indosiar Fantasy Academy (abbreviated as AFI) is a talent-search singing competition adapted from La...
This series presents a number of unique vehicles that helped to shape Australia's automotive history...
Relive the biggest events of Australian Motorsport history in 'Shannons Legends of Motorsport', host...
Welcome to Carnage, the most extreme contest on the planet where thirty purpose built, weaponised ve...
The show combines a talent contest with a gaming element, as singers decide whether to stay in the c...
Britain's iconic and 'secretive' engineering companies reveal how they build the world's most amazin...
Based on archival footage, appreciates engineering genius and celebrates the long-term survival of t...
Discover how and why the world’s most iconic bridges were built.
Signing up for the 2006 season of the most extreme and exciting motorsport, six-part series Engineer...
The most spectacular vehicles in the world are milestones of engineering that have changed land, wat...
To get to an 150.000 euro treasure on an isolated island, contestants have to work together to build...
Everyone knows the pit stops from Formula 1 races: choreographed and rehearsed to perfection - each ...