For Love or Money is an American reality television show initially broadcast as summer programming on NBC in 2003 and 2004. Four seasons of the program were shown in linked pairs, and all seasons were hosted by Jordan Murphy. It was produced by Nash Entertainment with Bruce Nash and J. D. Roth as two of the executive producers.
Ukrainian dating reality show, an adaptation of the American eponymous project.
A modern-day fairytale meets buddy comedy about an elite group of international soccer stars who com...
A group of LGBTQ people come out to their friends and families to find the love they've been searchi...
A single bachelor dates multiple women over several weeks, narrowing them down to hopefully find his...
A single bachelorette dates multiple men over several weeks, narrowing them down to hopefully find h...
A person representing each of the zodiac signs will be introduced per episode and invited to go out ...
Three singers with different styles try to win the heart of the week's single through their songs. A...
In this show hosted by Étienne Boulay, single parents determined to find love go on a dream cruise w...
One pansexual bachelorette is given the chance of a lifetime to find her perfect match.
One hopeless romantic is given a second chance at love in the search for a partner with whom to shar...
Sharing a beautiful mansion with a group of attractive males and females, it would be natural to fal...
Inspired by the long-running scripted classic about vacationers aboard a luxury Princess Cruises shi...
One radiant woman in her golden years is given a second chance at love. The men vying for her final ...
Six strangers share a fabulous house in Tokyo, looking for love while living under the same roof. Wi...
Paddy McGuinness tries to find 30 single girls a date and hopefully in the process the man of their ...
In this one-of-a-kind social experiment, four individuals attempt to find their perfect spouse via a...