The New Adventures of Beans Baxter is an adventure/comedy television series The show revolves around the spy activities of Benjamin "Beans" Baxter Jr., a Kansas teenager who just moved with his parents and younger brother to Washington, D.C., as part of his father's reassignment as an employee of the US Postal Service. Beans witnesses his father's assassination via a bomb placed in his postal vehicle, then gets hired by the mysterious "Number Two", an agent/second-in-command of The Network, a secret spy agency. The main nemesis of The Network is the evil organization UGLI, headed by the equally evil Mr Sue and comedian Taylor Negron as his second-in-command henchman. Shortly after settling in his new hometown, Beans struck up a friendship with an all-around guy nicknamed "Woodshop" and his love life began in earnest when he later met a beautiful student nicknamed "Cake Lace". In one episode, former Miss Universe Shawn Weatherly played herself.
The Invisible Man is a Sci-Fi American television series starring Vincent Ventresca, Paul Ben-Victor...
Cover Up is an American action/adventure television series that aired for one season on CBS from Sep...
Mary-Kate and Ashley in Action! is an animated television series by DIC Entertainment, Dualstar, Bue...
A young CIA operative, Annie Walker, is mysteriously summoned to headquarters for duty as a field op...
Robert McCall is a former agent of a secret government agency who is now running his own private cri...
Baby, I'm Back is an American sitcom that aired CBS from January to April 1978. The series stars for...
Callan is the title of a British television series set in the murky world of espionage. Originally p...
Get Smart is an American comedy television series that satirizes the secret agent genre. Created by ...
During the Japanese colonial rule of Korea, a Korean surgeon who was raised by a Japanese family bec...
Five years after leaving the CIA to open a catering company, Steven and Samantha Bloom are recruited...
Frustrations and sparks fly in Washington, D.C. when a strict conservative hires a free spirited jou...
Totally Spies! depicts three girlfriends 'with an attitude' who have to cope with their daily lives ...
The escapades of the X's, a family of well trained secret agents gifted in thwarting the forces of e...
Spring 1941. A tense duel between two intelligence services is unfolding in the center of Moscow. Th...
A housewife sits on the stoop of her apartment building in a black neighborhood of Washington, D.C.,...
E-Ring is an American television military drama, created by Ken Robinson and David McKenna and execu...
Threshold was a science fiction drama television series that first aired on CBS in September 2005. P...
Danger Man is a British television series which was broadcast between 1960 and 1962, and again betwe...