The Sentinel is a Canadian-produced television series. In the jungles of peru, the fight for surviv...
Yui Kusanagi is ordered by Zeus, a god and the headmaster of a school he created, to teach the meani...
A mythological television series based on the Hindu texts of the Shiva Purana, the Devi-Bhagavata Pu...
The legendary son of Zeus journeys across the earth fighting monsters and helping people.
Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Ac...
The story of Radha and Krishna is the epitome of eternal love, which transcends eras and emotions.
Durga feels a divine connection with the mentally unstable Dev, but the two have never met. With Mat...
It's a story of Goddess Vaishno Devi, also known as Mata Rani, Trikuta and Vaishnavi.
Based on the book 'Karna's Wife: The Outcast's Queen', this story is about princess Uruvi's bravery,...
The story of the series is based on the life of God Shani, who is known for his wrath. The serial al...
In an isolated region of Kyushu lies the town of Suiten. Though seeming small and modest, Suiten is ...
After meeting a mysterious yet very beautiful girl, a wannabe action star discovers that she's, in f...
After years of imprisonment, Morpheus — the King of Dreams — embarks on a journey across worlds to f...
Amongst the millions of deities worshiped in India, there is one who is most feared. One who strikes...
He is the supreme being and the destroyer of evil. Witness lord Shiva's story, his avatars, and a un...
The story of Parvati Devi and her most dangerous avatar, Mahakaali.