Lottery! is an American drama series that premiered on ABC on September 9, 1983. The series aired for one season of 17 episodes and starred Ben Murphy as Patrick Sean Flaherty, and Marshall Colt as Eric Rush. Lottery! centered around ordinary people who have won the lottery--all of a sudden becoming millionaires--and how it changes their lives.
In a social drama context, the work deals with the story of Faisal, who suddenly moves to the luxury...
Windfall is a serial drama television series about a group of people in an unnamed small city who wi...
At Home with the Braithwaites is a British comedy-drama television series, created and written by Sa...
On April 1st, 1986, Jean-Guy Lavigueur, an unemployed blue-collar worker and his family won 7.6 mill...
An anthology series that explored the ways sudden and unexpected wealth changed life for better or f...
Chances was an Australian evening soap opera, produced from 1991 to 1992. It told the story of the a...
What happens when millions fall on you without any preparation? 6 new lottery winners are surprised ...
What would you do if you won the lottery? How would it change your life? Follow a group of seven gas...
A drama exploring how winning the lottery transforms the lives of ordinary people.
$25 Million Dollar Hoax is an unscripted television series that was originally shown on American net...
Porkpie was a British sitcom on Channel 4 television starring Ram John Holder as Augustus "Porkpie" ...
A middle-class clan from the Northeast is suddenly thrust into the world of the super rich. Sequeste...
After winning the lottery, the Habib family move into Sydney's richest suburb to live the Australian...
The Betty Hutton Show is an American sitcom that aired on CBS's Thursday night schedule during the 1...
Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars was a 1996 Children's BBC sitcom, based on the book of the same na...
David Bromstad takes recent lottery winners on over-the-top house hunts for their new dream homes. W...
Set towards the end of the Jin Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, Sumoer is a Khorchin Mongo...