The infamous Prince Li Shubai of the Hou family suffers an accident while fleeing an arranged marria...
Lee Seul Bi has a huge crush on her boss Lim Hyun Woo. One day, she drinks a cup of magical coffee t...
Zhou Yuan is a martial arts prodigy who will fall seriously ill if she starts to form emotional atta...
Potol, a singing prodigy, lives in a village with her mother, uncle and aunt. However, after her mot...
Rarin is an upcoming fashion designer; her creativity is inspired by a mysterious male voice that on...
Daniel Villareal is trying to escape his tumultuous past. In a tragic event, he assumes the identity...
Gifted with special powers, fighting skills and slick hair, the rowdy KO One navigates tough friends...
An unfathomable incident introduces a genius engineer to dangerous secrets of the world — and to a w...
A suspenseful love story in which the fate of several young people with different backgrounds and ch...
Pan, a desolate plastic surgeon, lived a repetitive and boring life every day until a conspiracy hap...
During the Joseon Dynasty, the Secret Royal Inspectors are the eyes and ears of the king. They trave...
New entrepreneur Qiao Mu Sheng reunites with Su Nian, a high school classmate whom he has not seen f...
Li Wu comes from a lowly background but due to a misunderstanding, becomes a member of the Imperial ...
They are both chosen in their own ways to protect their people and the country. Ning Que is the onl...
Story of a young girl named Mo Li, who faces obstacles such as the withdrawal of her fashion partner...
In a mythical land called Arth, the inhabitants of the ancient city of Arthdal and its surrounding r...
A fantasy romance series between a god who writes people’s destinies, and a person living that life.
Wen Xi is drawn into an underground fight club and becomes the prize for champion Xu Zheqing, who is...