Shazzan is an American animated television series, created by Alex Toth and produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1967 for CBS. The series follows the adventures of two teenage siblings, Chuck and Nancy, traveling around a mystical Arabian world, mounted on Kaboobie the flying camel. During their journey they face several dangers, but they are always helped by Shazzan, a genie with magical powers out of this world. Shazzan is not to be confused with Shazam!, the 1970s comic book/television revival of Golden Age super hero Captain Marvel, created by C. C. Beck and Bill Parker.
While on a mission, American astronaut Captain Tony Nelson is forced to make an emergency landing th...
All the Love You Wish For explores the enchanting story of Jinn, a genie who awakens after a thousan...
Jin and Jun tell about the adventures of Junaidi (Jun) with a 3000-year-old genie he discovered in t...
Genie in the House is a British sitcom broadcast on Nickelodeon UK about a widowed father with two t...
This story is about the flow of fate and the battle to keep the world on the right path. Aladdin is ...
Arabian Knights is an animated segment of The Banana Splits Adventure Hour, created by Hanna-Barbera...
A beautiful genie named Jeannie is found by an astronaut on the beach after a failed launch mission....
Twins genies, Shimmer and Shine, grant their human friend Leah three wishes every day - unintentiona...
A genie is sent by the emperor of genies from the Caucasus Mountains to our earth for the treatment ...
A single mother reluctantly accepts the services of a genie, who's been imprisoned in a magic carpet...
Sinbad accidentally kills the son of the powerful Lord Akbari in a fist fight. As recompense for the...
1001 Nights features Shahrzad, a storyteller, in a Persian court with her sister Donyazad, King Shah...
Targeted for assassination by his first wife and his evil brother, a young sultan must marry by the ...
Set 58 years before Battlestar Galactica, Caprica follows two rival families - the Graystones and th...
Bitten by a neogenetic spider, Peter Parker develops spider-like superpowers. He uses these to fight...
Renton Thurston desires to leave his home behind and join the mercenary group known as Gekkostate, h...
At the turn of the century, the Angels returned to Earth, seeking to wipe out humanity in an apocaly...
Thunderbirds is a 1960s British science-fiction television series which was produced using a mixed m...
Randall and Hopkirk (Deceased) is a British private detective television series. In the initial epis...
After resigning, a secret agent is abducted and taken to what looks like an idyllic village, but is ...