Brata, a troubled young detective, is investigating a mutilation. When Vera, a forensic doctor, exam...
Old-school police detective Pierre Niemans and his former student Camille Delaunay tackle complex, b...
Father Dowling Mysteries is an American television mystery series that aired from January 20, 1989 t...
Rollie Tyler, a special effects expert, helps his detective friend solve crimes by making criminals ...
Dexter Morgan, a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police also leads a secret life a...
An anthology horror drama series centering on different characters and locations, including a house ...
A modern-day drama about a crime-solving duo that cracks the NYPD's most impossible cases. Following...
A series of heinous crimes have unsettled a small community, and Detective Lois Tryon feels they are...
Detective Keita Kurokouchi (Tomoya Nagase) continues to extort money from politicians whom Keita Kur...
Ex-con Cal McTeer's return to her hometown of Orphelin Bay blows the lid off a generations-long cons...
In this sequel to Police and Prosecutor, Nakaido, the passionate gymnastic-teacher-turned-police-det...
A serial killer is targeting police officers in Hyderabad. A female cop in charge of the Special Inv...
A saga about the life of the Siberian Savelyev family during the period 1902 through the 1960s as th...
Akizuki Haruto, a police detective on childcare leave, finds himself solving cases using the hints h...
Based on a novel written by Angela Makholwa, when publicist and ex-journalist Lucy Khambule receives...
When Jaehee, a top call girl at a club in Gangnam, goes missing, Detective Kang Dongwoo returns to c...